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I was taking apart my PS4 Pro to clean out any dust that had built up and whenever I got to take out the power supply unit, the cable and connector connecting to the board broke off. Any suggestions as to what I can do?

Hi there, this looks like a bad rip, but it is fixable. The crunch is that you’ll have to have a ton of patience and study up. I found this video of a guy doing just this kind of repair, although that guy had a lesser tear in the traces. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to try to fix this themselves unless they’re able to solder on a good level, it requires a lot of heating and reheating, and there’s high chances of botching other components in this process.

Andrew Bertram Bob Zanders yes it can be repaired and in theory all it takes is running jumper from a point to where you have traces or testpoints to the new connector. The far left and far right are the standoff for the connector and anchor it to the board. You may need to secure the one on the far right of your picture with some hot glue (no, not crazy glue) As for the rest, carefully scrape ( use a scalpel or very fine Exacto knife)the masking (green stuff) which covers the copper traces and then use some thin wire to solder bridge it from the connector to the traces. It is some pretty fine soldering so it will require some decent skills and tools. If you have never soldered to a board you want to consider asking someone that has done it before. If you have the connector and have the board pulled, any decent electronic repair shop will do this for a flat fee.