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Anytime my PS4 gets unplugged, or I lose power while it’s on, I basically lose all my stuff. It comes back up when I turn it back on and tries “check system storage.” It gets to 26% and stops every time. Then I get the prompt to download an update file onto a USB device and so forth. Had to do that numerous times in the past month, downloading all my games back, signing back in and everything. Anybody got any idea what the issue is? Bad hard drive? SSD? HDD? I don’t know much about tech, but I’ve been googling for some time now and I appears nobody has the same issue as me. I’ve seen others have similar issues and get told it’s their SSD, but I don’t have the kind of money to assume that’s the issue and buy one and it not work.

Hi Wesley, When you unplug your PS4, do you shut it down as it should (power off option instead stand by mode). You always should turn it off completely before you unplug it. Testing: Turn it off completely, unplug it, does it still need to “check the system storage” ?When you put it in Stand by mode, does everything works good or is still telling you to check the storage?Is it possible to test with another harddrive (perhaps to test with a harddrive from an old laptop)?

Ok so my name is Riley and my ps4 screen froze while I was at the home menu and I couldn’t do anything like my ps4 co troller could not control anything and I began to worry so the only thing I could do was to forcefully unplug it and then replug it up and turn it on and when I did it would be in safe mode and would always only go up to 26% in checking storage status and idk why it’s doing this. Could it be a bad HDD ? ALL IK IS THAT it was asking for me to plug my usb to my controller and to turn it on by pressing the ps button and then when I did that it went on where it said to cancel or ok by it saying to plug up a usb so all I did was click cancel and then it turned off and then I turned it back on and it did the same thing over and over again like it’s some kinda loop and I googled at how to fix this but no one seem to have the same problem besides this person right here. But dude did you figure out at how to fix this and if you did please tell me.