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Hello. I have a question. My ps4 controller stop charging. Why??? When i plug in to ps4, does’t it work(yellow color not see). When i plug in to my pc usb show me the yellow color but when i press the PS button wont turn on. Before a week i have this problem and when i press the reset button was fixed. But the problem come again and does’t fix it when i press the reset button. Please some advise.

PS4 controller not charging??? Try this fix…. Unplug PS4 from mains plug for 3 minutes, turn it back on then reconnect your controller into the PS4 USB port … Press the PS BUTTON and the SHARE BUTTON at the same time!!!! It worked for me

It sounds like two separate issues. A) Plugging the controller into the USB port of the PS4 doesn’t charge it. This could be a bad cable or a bad USB port. Try to isolate the problem by changing cables or pluging something else into the USB port like a cell phone. If it still doesn’t work with the new cable and won’t charge your cell phone then the problem is the USB port on the PS4. If it works with the cell phone but not the controller, it may be a bad charging port or battery in the controller and you should consider replacing them. B) Controller keeps losing sync with PS4 even after resetting it. Go into the PS4 settings and under Devices remove all PS4 controllers from the listReset the controller using the reset buttonSync the controller using the PS button

I was having the same issue as many listed where the controller would function but wouldn’t light up or charge. I tried reset with no luck. Finally, before opting to buy new one decided to take apart & take a look. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary (loose or missing connections) I turned the cable around & put it back together & it worked amazingly. Light started working & was charging. If you need help on doing this there is a video available to watch on YouTube if you google it or try this link. It wasn’t the battery cable but the cable that goes from the port to the board.

I had this issue where I would plug my PS4 controller into the USB slot on the PS4. I would not get a yellow light bar signaling that it was charging. I have a PS4 charging Stand Connected to my PS4 as well that runs just fine in that USB slot so I know it’s not the USB port itself. I tried 2 controllers neither of which worked. However I was able to fix it simply by shutting my console completely off. Not in rest mode but all the way off. I let it sit for 5 minutes and when I turned it back on my controllers were charging once again. I hope this helps you out.

Hello I have the same problem to but try a new charger and hook it up to something else like PC, Xbox, or wherever I will charge and let it charge for some time

I ended up using my usb cord from my wireless phone charger, and it works and the controller is now charging.

When I’m connecting my controller with the usb port of my ps4 it is not charging but my controller is turning on. Although its not getting charged. It seems like a plug n play thing. Please help me with this issue.

A wire was severed inside of the controller and your controller is broke forever

Your controller is Broke a wire was disconnected and u can’t fix it

I have an issue with my PS4 not connecting to my controllers through micro usb. The ports are fine because they charge everything else, also the wires work fine on other things and my controllers work fine on my friends PS4 so what can I do? Tried resetting my controllers and have unplugged my PS4 to turn back on numerous times. I can’t do a manufacture reset because my PS4 is not connected to any controllers so now I feel stuck, any one got any ideas what I can do??

charging port is snapt

hey my controller wot charge and can you help me please

I have the same thing, I’ve tried everything but it still won’t work

This may be super late but some people may still be looking for an answer. For me the key is the amperage. You have to make sure your charging block (the thing that plugs into the wall and you plug the micro-usb chord into) outputs 0.7 A or 700 mA. Note: Common power bricks like the standard iPhone one will output 1 A or more so you have to find the right brick.

my ps4 controller is not charging why

The thing is you need to open your controller and when you’ve Downey that take battery out and then put reset it and put battery back in or press PS button for five seconds then press reset. I hope this advice does help you

Hi it Rayhan I’m here to help you and give you advise if you are using it on a socket a lot of times the orange light might not come on but if you put it in your PS4 then after put it in the socket and it may work

With a situation like this, there could be several issues. You need to take the controller apart and look to see where the water damage exists. Clean any corrosion up with a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol. Be gentle when you clean it though.

estao falando muito em reset e configuraçao ,falam da bateria que já saturou.porem digo que pode ser um componente meu controle havia um ci com codigo impresso:d92003mw.ele tem a funçao de gerenciar a carga da bateria.tinnha um furo nele e ao ligar o controle os leds azuis piscavam algum tempo e apagavam.abrir o controle e na placa mae percebi o ci danificado.comprei este ci no ali express .removi ele com uma estaçao de retrabalho e pus o novo ci.tive sucesso,controle voltou a funcionar.pesquisando o porquê do dano no ci,falou-se que ao carregar o controle num carregador de celular,principalmente,em carregadores booster,pode queimar o ci gerenciador de carregamento.Agora só carrego no próprio console ps4.

I had the same issue, I followed the video guide, opened the controller, disconnected the cable and the plugged it back. It works again! Thank you and Marry Christmas!

its easy. just connect a keyboard to your ps4 and go to settings and then go to bluetooth devices. now forget all devices and then you can manually pair your controller to your ps4 by holding your ps button and share button.

I was trying to plug the charger into a controller it wasn’t working so I went on this website called Fix It. Calm and I was just wondering can you fix my controller for me

I ended up buying a new one bro

I had this problem for like1 week and my charger was bad but it still worked on my other black controller but I dont work on my gold controller. But my dad got me another charger and it still wont work on the gold controller and still wont work so please help.

I had this same problem until just now. What you wanna do is put your controller on Bluetooth pairing then go to settings Bluetooth and Bluetooth devices from either PS4 remote play or second screen on your phone. Then you forget one of the dual shock controllers listed then you should see a dualshock there without a dot on the left of it press it and then you got ur controller back

So when i was playing fortnite with my friends my controller died and when i went to go poot it to charge it wassent charging .

FIX Plug the controller in the charging cable using the ps4 usb port. If it doesn’t charge, hold down the power button on the PS4 until it turns off, then turn it back on, it should start charging.

i recently found solution to this error via

this fixed both of my ps 4 pro controllers lol i thought it was controller was stupid weak and bought two already…

my controller was falt for more than 24 hours it was charging but when i took it of charge it turned of and wouldnt turn on even when i charged it and i go to reset it and will not work it wont flash eny color than i got a little red flash what do i do

I had same problem & my controller after using on different device and didn’t worked … just hold the home button and share at same time and controller light will start flashing and name will shows on Bluetooth list

My controller got dropped in water for like 10 seconds. Put it in rice didnt help. I then took it apart blow dried it and sprayed electronic contact cleaner on it let it dry. Now I plug it into the ps4 and it shows its charging but when I push the ps button nothing happens. I pushed the reset button, tried to pair it again but nothing is happing. Do I need a new battery or is the controller a lost cause and just need to bite the bullet and spend 50 bucks on a new one? Thank you.

My stuff won’t work I even tried reseting to it still don’t work no mater what I do do you know what to do?

My ps4. Controller will not charge when pluged into ps4 system. When I unplug it controller turns white then blue I can start program with controller then tv says delshock 4 needs charged.

My ps4 doest want to charch or rest

When I plug the charger into the controller it won’t turn on i just want to get my controller fix someone help me plz with this solution (thank you)

When i plug my controller in my ps4 it stays yellow like it does when you do not plug it in

you can buy a charga staeson