Chosen Solution

Hello, I posted this issue to the PlayStation console support forum website and did get an answer but wanted to check with the DIY community of I have a 160 GB PS3 Slim serial CECH-2501A. It started to freeze up while playing Black Ops 2 online about an hour into play. Right after a round, the score screen wouldn’t load. I also noticed that before this happened the game announcer who would state when stuff was happening would go silent. Also, I could hear the DVD drive spinning and something like the arm just skipping. Another weird thing is when I’m playing Black Ops, it seems like my actions are a bit delayed, like smashing windows or shooting enemies in sniper mode, there seems to be a slight delay before the action has a result. Also, I did try another game and it similarly froze after a game round. I was able to hit the PS button on the controller and quit the game. I can also eject the disc, then the console shuts down. I can restart and I get the system rebuild message. I did the software rebuilds (data rebuild, system rebuild) and even opened the unit up and cleaned the two lens, to no avail. The moderator at PS Forum said it sounded like my BluRay laser was going kaput. Does this sound right to those who’ve maybe had the same issues and done the repair? My question is I found the lens assemble for about $30 and I also found the whole DVD unit for $70. Is it worth it to just buy the whole unit or is the lens replacement not a big deal if you’re good with electrical component repairs? Taking apart the PS3 Slim is pretty simple.

Lens replacement is not easy - but it is not reaaaaly big deal - you have to be precise and patient and result will be fantastic… BUT… i think that you have problem with data processing through Blu Ray electronic so for $40 more I would suggest new unit. Anyhow - in most cases DVD drive is used the most so its life expectancy depends just of amount of hours of your gaming.