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Hi ! I have a CECHP01 160GB Fat PS3. It freezes after 10 mins of any gameplay(disc). It won’t freeze anytime else. I put in a game and left it on the in-game menu for hours and it won’t ever freeze but when i start playing the game, it’ll freeze within a few minutes and the disc drive makes a noise as if the disc is stuck and can’t spin. Just an FYI, I had the same problem 2 years ago so I replaced the blu ray drive, put in the old motherboard and the PS3 worked fine for a year before the problem started again. I suspect it’s the blu-ray drive motherboard that’s faulty. I’ve also applied new thermal paste to the cpu/gpu just incase it was overheating and it still freezes. Any help would be appreciated !!

Hi! Alright, I think it’s the laser which is faulty, but could also be your harddrive… I would test with another hard drive first as this is really easy to replace (perhaps to replace it with a SSD?). If it still freezes, you should replace the laser or drive. You can’t replace the blu-ray drive it’s PCB as it’s required that it matches the motherboard, otherwise you can’t play games.