Chosen Solution

Basically, my ps2’s video out seems to work fine… but when loading up a game the video seems to stop working, all sound effects still work, just not the video, I think it might be the display that I was using, when a game loaded up it just showed a single color, flickering bar of pixels at the approximate bottom of the screen, when tinkering around to try and fix it with my dad, he pressed one of the lid closed switches with a screwdriver and all sound stopped working, I still expect it’s the display… and then he tried to clean it with isopropyl alcohol, which in turn made the disc drive stop spinning up… from time to time when trying to load discs after all this the ps2 would just freeze and the only way to get it to work again was to unlpug it from the wall and plug it back in. Anyone got any easy solutions for this or do I just have to completely replace most of my ps2’s parts?

i had this problem too, but with the video, I just got a brand new video and sound output cord and a new reader and disc drive, so just go to amazon or whatever online store you use and search for a replacement part and if that’s not the problem just replace the mother board, but that would be to much of a hassle so i would just get a new system if you dont want to go though that