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I have a PS VITA PCH-1003 model. It was crashed and I get to recovery menu and selected Update option. After downloading the 2.06 update when it was installing the update it turned off suddenly. Now when I turn it on the green screen will show up and says system update please wait and then the screen become black and the system is unresponsive to buttons. The PS button is not lit up. When I connect the charger the PS button become orange and then turn back off. Any body know how to fix this. Your help will be appreciated.

once in recovery select “updater system software” from here you can redo your update if this fails for any reason you can always try “rebuild database” and as a last resort “restore system” restore system brings your vita back to the base stock firmware when you bought it and will delete everything.

sounds like your power button is stuck look up how to fix non working power and play station button. pretty easy fix. theirs a you tube video of what to do.