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@danj I’m still having a lot of problems with customers coming in with Seagate SSHD drives that have updated to High Sierra. Some are the older Seagate drives and some the FireCuda drives. How should these drives be treated or fixed? The latest came in today and the drive would not format at all except for the 128 GB Boot camp partition. The rest of the drive does not show up. Disk Utilities would do the 128 (which was MS DOS Fat into APFS) it also will not go back to another format. Tech Tools Pro 10 failed at partition repair. I am trying my first install and Time Machine restoration with Mojave. This problem has quickly become my #1 problem and I am not getting it fixed. I wipe the drives, do a full fresh install of High Sierra, get it all set up and it’s running fine, for a month or two and then they are back in the shop.

@mayer - Are you sure the issue is within the SSHD drive? Could their be external forces at play here, like is the system plugged into a surge suppressor or better yet a UPS? Are these single drive’s systems or dual? Are these just the 2.5” drives or are you facing issues with the iMac’s with 3.5” drives? If these are dual drive configs in MacBook Pro’s what are the exact models? I personally don’t like dual drive configs on MacBook Pro’s as there are only a few that work reliably given the issues in many. Are you using any other disk tools besides Apples Disk Utility? I often use Drive Genius when DU fails me. You also appear to be using GUID/APFS on these drives, I wouldn’t! I would stick with GUID/HFS+ (Journaled). Even on SSD’s as there is still no APFS solution for SATA based drives (HD/SSD) that in my opinion is stable in High Sierra. I’m just testing out Mojave on one system but as Apple won’t support it on older non-metal systems we are in a bit of a rock and a hard place. Sure, I can force it onto a older system but I try not to get into that grey space with customers systems. You posted a similar issue about a year ago and at the time I had thought you were going to contact Seagate to see what they said. Did you get anything out of them?