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My camera is having trouble focusing on the subject and so it won’t take the pic for a while and then when it finally does the shutter sound is very slow no matter what setting I have the camera on. I have stopped using it because this is so frustrating. Pics are not focused properly and badly lit.

Under what conditions is this happening, in what lighting conditions etc..

Your shutter is probably used up to its designed lifecycle. I have the same problem of shutter being slower than what the setting shows, which definitely leads to over exposure. I have to switch to continuous shooting mode (either H or L) to try more frames to get it back to the correct speed. Somehow the problem pops up again and gets worse through time. I guess I’ve clicked it for over 100,000 times over the last 7 years since I bought it. Aging was what my photographer friend suspected. Will check out. I’m using a 17-55mm f2.8 lens as standard fitting , perfect for DX format and so far extremely rarely does focus error occur.

It seems to be costant with the shutter. I can have it on 500 and it sounds like under 30. The focus seems to happen mostly indoors when I want a flash.