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Hi all, Today I got the new type of playstation 4, the CUH1216B. When I tried to turn it on it gave a blue light and then turned off after about 3 seconds. Some people here said it could be dirt inside so I opened it up, cleaned the APU because it had thermal paste all over the place and replaced it withartic silver. After I reassembled it and tried to turn it back on the blue light came on for a milisecond, turned off, and hasn’t lit since. It still turns off after three seconds noticible because of the hard drive but no indicator light. Does anyone have any idea what happened or how to fix it? Thank you!

Hi! Well basically it could be multiple things. But the most common issues related to this: The APU needs to be reballed OR The power supply is broken Are you able to test with other parts? The most easiest part to replace is the power supply. You could order one and test it.