Chosen Solution

Hi. I’ve been having some issues recently with sound on my Xbox. This only occurs for 1 game that I play, NBA 2k17. When I am on this game and I try to go onto another app at the same time, e.g. YouTube, I am unable to hear the sound from the app, this has only started happening recently as well. Any help would be appreciated!

the problem is that you are trying to use more than 1 application at a time when clearly you can’t. so stop trying to use more than 1 application at once

I’m having the same issue. I have done everything. Power cycled through it. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Went through every option available with the Xbox and. NBA 2k17. I have scoured the internet looking for the right solution. I can’t find shot! And it’s frustrating because it’s in the milldle of my career and I need sound to keep playing. So if anyone has any answers please let me know. Oh I also have made sure there was no other app open at the same time!