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I had a customer who had dropped his phone resulting in an expanded battery and damaged screen, both of which I replaced, and the phone appeared to be working perfectly. A few hours later he sent me some photos of what the phone looks like now. The brightness is low and the screen appears to have a pinkish hue, at least from what I can see in the photos. I’ve never had this problem before, is it just a bad screen? Or something else at play?
Its ether the LCD you put in was bad or it could be the cable connection on the motherboard which is a hard if not impossible fix I haven’t ever had this problem b4 so I don’t know exactly but just my thought thx
Did you try a new lcd? Could just be a defective batch or the connector could be bad. Check the connector on the logic board too.
geralmente é o mal posicionamento do conector na placa lógica. colocado de forma indevida ele causa chuvisco, apagões e até mesmo o chamado touch fanstama.