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I recently installed a replacement battery for my MBP and though I’m getting much improved life there is a problem. If I leave the computer overnight (lid open or shut) when I try to turn it on again it displays the empty battery screen, regardless of what charge remains in the battery. This morning, for example, it displayed the empty battery screen so I plugged in the charger and turned it on. There was 92% shown on the battery indicator and laptop worked quite happily without the charger until it shut down normally around 5%. Should the battery voltage not be higher than 10V?

I don’t see anything in that app that isn’t shown below, but if you think it will help. Battery Information:   Model Information:   Serial Number: C01514309YEF90MA4   Manufacturer: ifixit   Device Name: bq20z451   Pack Lot Code: 3230   PCB Lot Code: 3230   Firmware Version: 2d31   Hardware Revision: 322d   Cell Revision: 3036   Charge Information:   Charge Remaining (mAh): 4829   Fully Charged: No   Charging: No   Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 9263   Health Information:   Cycle Count: 4   Condition: Normal   Battery Installed: Yes   Amperage (mA): -653   Voltage (mV): 10910

System Power Settings:

  AC Power:   System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10   Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 0   Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10   Wake on AC Change: No   Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes   Wake on LAN: Yes   AutoPowerOff Delay: 28800   AutoPowerOff Enabled: 0   DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 0   Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes   GPUSwitch: 2   Hibernate Mode: 3   High Standby Delay: 86400   PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep: 0   ProximityDarkWake: 1   Standby Battery Threshold: 50   Standby Delay: 10800   Standby Enabled: 1   TCPKeepAlivePref: 1   Battery Power:   System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 5   Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10   Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 5   Wake on AC Change: No   Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes   AutoPowerOff Delay: 0   AutoPowerOff Enabled: 0   Current Power Source: Yes   DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 0   Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes   GPUSwitch: 2   Hibernate Mode: 3   High Standby Delay: 86400   ProximityDarkWake: 0   Reduce Brightness: Yes   Standby Battery Threshold: 50   Standby Delay: 10800   Standby Enabled: 1   TCPKeepAlivePref: 1

Hardware Configuration:

  UPS Installed: No

AC Charger Information:

  Connected: No   Charging: No

From what I see the battery is in good shape, the charger is charging it. I don’t see a battery or charging issue here. More likely you have something running in background which is draining your battery. I would check Activity Monitor to see what’s happening. You could also try booting up on a clean OS installed external drive to isolate things as well (which I often do to check things like this) The other possibility is corrosion on the logic board is slowly discharging your battery. Did you have a liquid spill at some point or do you tend to clean your system spraying it with a cleaner and then wiping it off or use disposable wet naps, these both tend to allow moisture into your system. Follow this guide MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2015 Logic Board Replacement to remove the logic board to inspect it carefully for any signs of corrosion or wetness if you suspect corrosion.

I have exactly the same problem (same machine) after a battery replacement.