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Hello, guys. I want to ask you something about: specifics of SMD capacitors around 12V connector on PS4 1216A motherboard. If someone knows the specs of these 2 ceramic capacitors?Specifics of resistor ( Number R710 ) in PSU which is BLUE with RED, BLACK, YELLOW and GOLD lines ?And IC chip also in PSU which is number U202 ( MP6922L ). I measured it with multimeter and it gives me that pin 1 and 7 are shorted. Do I need to replaced it or can be shorter because of the R710 resistor.

I will be very thankful if you guys have some information, because 2 days I can’t find anything about this 3 things. Thanks in advance!

Update (02/19/2022) I’m adding images to the items.

Hi @niks2 , Here’s a resistance calculator that will help with the value of R710. It’s 6.2MΩ +/- 5%. The 1st blue? band is very faint in the image you posted if it is there at all, but my eyes aren’t what they used to be, but since you’re closer it should be obvious ;-). If the blue band is not there then it is a 200KΩ +/- 5% resistor. It’s a big difference. Unsolder one leg of the resistor from the board and then use an Ohmmeter to measure its resistance. Looking at the datasheet for an 8 pin MP6922 IC (couldn’t find one for an MP6922L- hopefully it is similar) pin 7 is the supply voltage input to power the IC and pin 1 is an output that connects to the gate input of an associated mosfet IC so I don’t think that there should be a short circuit all the time. There may be if the IC was powered and switched on raising VG2 (pin 1) to a high value but not if no power was connected. To really know it is always better to isolate the component (or nearest directly connected components) from the board so that you know that you’re measuring the component only and not getting parallel circuit paths which are connected to the component, making for an incorrect measurement. I can’t find a schematic for the board so I don’t know about the capacitors. Hopefully this may help.

I am having this VERY same problem. It’s after a power outage. I changed the resistor and it turns out that is not the problem. Out of circuit it tests fine along with its replacement. The chip you mentioned is also testing short for me but I’m not home right now to check my board on which pins. Also, another chip is testing short on pins and I am trying to figure out how to test MBRF20100CT. Update (03/14/2022)