Chosen Solution

My wife’s 1 year old plus iPad (3 or 4 I think?) suffered a minor accident (cat knocked it over) and the Lighting adapter broke inside the receptacle. Since it was impossible to retrieve the piece of connector inside the plug I decided to take the iPad apart following several online tutorials (I am usually pretty handy) While I was trying to open the iPad I broke the screen , so once I was done I ordered both the Lighting Connector receptacle and a new screen. After I received the new parts, I was able to reassemble the iPad without too many issues, once again following instructions in a step by step tutorial and a couple of videos. The finished job Looked great. However I soon discovered I had a few serious issues:

  1. Some areas of the screen do not register touch at all. I poke and poke and no response. This is like a 1" strip on the long side of the screen. Everywhere else, such as the opposite side of the screen, it works fine or it is actually too sensitive.
  2. Siri keeps coming on. Even with the ipad asleep sitting under the bed, siri will turn on and off by itself. Quite annoying during the night (I had to turn the iPad completely off).
  3. The keyboard works terrible with the keys in the “dead zone” not responding and those in the “live zone” typing 3 or 4 characters per key “press” I really don’t want to open the iPad again until I know what I did wrong and how to do it right next time. I read the other responses to similar problems, but none seemed to me to be exactly the same.

It sounds like you have a bad digitizer, I would return that one for a replacement. The next one you should test it before you close the iPad.