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I’m trying to replace the lightning port assembly on an iphone SE. I’m on my second replacement assembly. There is a small wire on the assembly with a tiny round connector on the end that connects to an equally tiny port on the board. I’m able to, with much trouble, get the original to connect to the port again but can’t quite get it connected on either of the replacements. I’m up for any advice on how to successfully get this connected. Thanks! -J

That’s an antenna cable. The trick is not to use a ton of force or you squish it. I normally use a pair of tweezers to get it lined up over the…hole..thing…connector….you know what I’m talking about. Then I use a plastic spudger or something else that isn’t stiff to pop the connector back on. Don’t feel bad…those things can be a pain. If you can’t get it being gentle, then line it up and press down with the side of your tweezers until it pops in. I’ve had some aftermarket ones where I had to spread out the outside of the new adapter just a smidge to get it to go in. Just remember that there is a tiny pin in the middle of the thing and if you bend it, you are starting over with a new adapter unless you get the thing straight, which I’ve never done.