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Need instruction on drive belt replacement for power pro 18hp 42 in.cut riding mower.

Replacing the blade drive belt requires completely taking the mowing deck off. Underneath the deck are the mounting pegs there are clips you remove then the arms pull sideways to remove. Watch your fingers. Repeat on the other side and then if your rider is like mine there are rods at the front and pins you pull. Remove the old belt from the engine pulley and the deck is removed, pull the deck out. There are plastic pulley guards remove those. Your tractor I think on the deck has a routing diagram for the belt. Now is the time to remove debris. There is a pulley that is spring loaded make sure that moves freely. Reroute your belt using the diagram. Attach pulley guards move deck under rider, pull deck up reattach all pins etc. Put the blade drive belt on engine pulley. BTW on engine pulley there is a guide there you need to make sure belt is under this guide. BTW the pulleys also have spring loaded guides to keep the belt in place. The engagement lever has a tension adjustment too I believe. On the back of the tractor seat are belt numbers I believe there is a place in Las Vegas that has both the Motion drive belt and blade drive belts. I’m having a ##&&% of a time trying to get my deck level Good luck but it’s not fun.

I need to know the correct part number for replacement deck belt