Chosen Solution

Had just logged in when spilt coffee on MacBook. Unplugged machine, turned it upside down then forced machine to power off whilst login procedure still running (about 60 secs after spill). Left machine to dry. 24 hrs later plugged machine into power socket and after an initial orange light showed green but won’t power up. Some of keys on right side of keyboard sticking. Have stripped down machine, cleaned everything. Unable to get keypad off - glued to casing. So removed this part and sprayed it with warm water and left to dry. Keys no longer sticking. Put machine back together. Still has a green charge but doesn’t power up. Am thinking there may be a problem with start button? But unable to get to it as I need to remove keypad which is glued to casing and it’s too fragile to force off. Has never been any visible coffee stains anywhere so coffee must have been trapped by the protective keyboard membrane. Should I simply replace keyboard unit or are there other options?

Some of the coffee may have spilled onto the system board. If this is the case, you probably need a new system board. Shine some light on the system board to see if you can see any evidence of coffee having spilled onto it. I’m not sure how else you can tell other than simply to look at it under some bright light.

My MacBook is now working again after following the tip posted by Dan Widman for ‘jump starting’ laptop by pressing keyboard connector pins to motherboard etc. I didn’t think the motherboard was the problem and instead suspected the issue was with the Power On button / keyboard top unit - either way, the jump start option would prove this definitively. Dan’s tip has saved me time and money. There are still some issues - shift key on left-hand side isn’t working and need to reset SMC but this can wait. The main thing is that the machine is working again and I know what the problem is. Hopefully a replacement keyboard top unit is all I need! BIG thank you to Dan and the crew at ‘fixit’ : ) To view Dan’s jump-starting tip - search for “Coffee on new MacBook” (12/09/2009) and follow reply chain until you get to Dan’s message (3/15/2011).