Chosen Solution
I was given an old Power Mac G5 today. I have no idea what all is missing, I know the screws that hold down the CPU cooler. It only has one CPU, air cooler. Two led’s are on, the insert cpu one and the power trickle one. It tries to cut on, the light pulses real bright, then cuts off, then dimly lights on until reset. Also, the checkstop flashes red once. Serial number G8546BWWR6V UPDATE: I took it apart, cleaned it, dusted it, and all but one of the missing screws fell out from our from behind the power supply, so I cleaned it all, put it back together and put all back together and the red “Insert CPU” light is still on. Also, I found the plastic cover, so the trickle charge light cuts off when it is inserted.
Here’s Apples Service Source PDF which give the full service instructions on your machine. This info used to be only given the Apple Stores and ASPs.…