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I have a 15-g050ca laptop that was given to me. I found that whoever had tried to take it apart in the past had ripped the ribbon cable off the power button board. I was able to jump start the computer and verified that there were no other problems besides the broken button cable. I bought a new power button assembly but it did not seem to work. I plugged the power in and unplugged the ribbon cable from the mother board but in the process it triggered the machine to power on. While it was powering on I reinserted the cable and closed the clip but a few seconds later it shut down. As I pulled the cable out it started up again. I believe the system is behaving exactly as it would if I powered it on but then held the power button down until it shut down. Thinking I must have gotten a defective power button board I returned it and got another. Unfortunately, the replacement is doing exactly the same thing. Is it likely that something is shorted on the motherboard or am I simply not reassembling the cable properly?

Hi @larry767 , Just verifying that the Power button board you have is part # 749650-001? Zoom in for a closer look This is the specified part number for the power button board shown on p.46 of the hardware and service manual for the laptop, taken from this webpage. On p.46 you will also find the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove / replace the power button board What is the board number of the motherboard? It may be possible to find the schematic of the motherboard by searching for (insert motherboard board number) schematic. Worth a try anyway