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Hi, I recently changed the charging port and battery on a IPhone 6s that I had been given. The problem is that the phone only boots with the charger in and does not hold any charge what so ever and does not actually recognise that the phone is charging when on. I have tried to reset the phone but wasn’t able to hard reset as the power button will not work, was in perfect working order before hand, Any thoughts what might be causing these issues?? Thanks J

the power button not working would imply it is not locking either. if this is the case, while removing the screen to start the replacements, you may have disconnected or damaged the power button flex. if it is “not holding a charge whatsoever” it may be a bad or disconnected battery, or a short in the board caused by physical damage “Doesnt recognize charging while plugged in” could be a signal failure from the new port, or an issue with the battery. There could also be physical damage to some of the components on the board causing this issue.