Chosen Solution

Hello, While I did find a couple questions similar to this one, my head hasn’t come around a clear answer. I was at the process of fitting a new touch-screen on my DSi and I’ve accidentally popped open the Power Board Connector straight out from the Motherboard. Ignoring the problem temporarily, I continued on fitting the touch-screen in which was placed successfully. I refitted all the ribbon cables and the screws back on the motherboard, but I’m left with the broken connector. The cable should have been disconnected from the connector like this: Using a tool like a Spudger And opened like this Alas, mine has become like this (excuse the poor quality) So I believe the two options I may have is to solder (?) the connector back onto the motherboard OR buy another power board altogether (I would be more comfortable with that). However, I’m not sure if that little casing for the cable comes with a standalone power board connector; so that option will be crossed off. All in all, I would highly appreciate if someone dusts off the confusion!

Elias Raed, your picture is very hard to interpret. If you broke the connector of the board you will have to either solder it back on (depends on the condition of the traces.) If you broke the plug you will need a new power board. Hope this helps, good luck.