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I just installed a new Ifixit battery pack and plugged in my power adapter. It will not charge the battery but does run the Macbook pro. I have reset the SMC many times in attempt to get the battery to start charging. After one SMC reset it did get stuck in calculating the time to full charge- but never did start charging. I reinstalled the battery connector and cleaned with pro-gold. Also did the same to the adapter connector. All pins are standing proud in the connector. Still no joy. I am at 42% charge and operating on the adaptor. System power does show one cycle- not sure when that happened- but it has gone down from the 97% original install- then down to 4% and overnight it went to the current 42%. Has not moved up or down for the last two days with Mac shut down and connected to the power adaptor. I have ordered a new Apple brand power adaptor to check out but hard to believe my original bit the dust in the one hour it took to install a new battery pack. I only removed the old battery- never touched any other part of the board or other parts like the fans as shown in the instructions- I did not touch the MagSafe DC-In board receptacle. Not sure why it would now not work. Any suggestions? Per Dan’s suggestion- here is a screen shot

I spoke to someone who told me that I should delete my power management Plist. I do not see how that has anything to do with battery charging. I also tried again to disconnect and reconnect the battery connector and cycle the power button a few times. No joy. I do not see how my power adaptor can power the Mac and yet not charge the battery. Pins are not stuck- all standing proud.

Sadly, it looks like the charging logic is not working properly. I suspect the voltage comparator logic on the logic board. I don’t work on the newer MacBook’s as they are almost not repairable other than replacing assemblies, in this case the logic board.