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So my macbook pro is overheating. I have taken it apart and reapplied thermal paste. It will turn it self off due it being so hot right above the keyboard. I will have to unplug it and let it die so it will cool down. I am thinking maybe its the fans not spinning fast enough. or not conducting heat very well. I might be thinking my graphics card is going out. I am not doing anything that graphically intense so I do not know what the issue could be. But it has happened 3 times and it turns on just fine once it cools down. Also the battery says its needs to be serviced so i have a new battery coming in later this week so maybe that is the problem.

If the MacBook restarts (kernel panics) or image goes out (but fans still spinning) it is likely an issue with the soldering on U8900, common problem on this model. If the image goes out but backlight is still there, or it is completely turning off, it is the GPU most likely. 1st scenario, reflowing the solder around U8900 with leaded solder will fix the issue; the joints crack due to the heat from the CPU and GPU on the other side of the board. 2nd scenario, contact Apple and if they won’t help, I wouldn’t recommend repair. Replacement logic boards have a high chance of developing the same issue, and there are no good GPUs for these anymore.