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I have been repairing phones for a while now as well as watching a lot of repair videos and I have a question about troubleshooting charging issues. I see a lot of folks start with a USB multimeter, see the phone pulling no amps and try a good and charged battery. Phone turns on, still not pulling any amps, instantly blame the tristar chip on the main board. I have often tried to hang a good charge port off the side of the phone and it pulls amps with a new charge port (not the port itself has gone bad physically, but the logics or SMDs on the port cable/board). If the tristar is bad, will it just slowly kill a new charge port??
Haven’t heard of a bad tristar killing a charging port. Usually if unlucky it’s the charging port that dies with the tristar at the same time. Usually it’s just the tristar chip that fails from a combination of aftermarket cables and wall chargers.