Chosen Solution

So I bought the Pokemon Emerald cartridge(The previous owner glued a new battery with tape…). When I started the game I’ve noticed that the start screen logo was messed up also some other graphics were missing from the game. For instance I couldn’t see the three pokeballs in the beginning when it was the time to choose my first Pokemon. As soon as I saw that I’ve opened the cartridge and found some corroded pins and traces(Some of them missing). The RTC IC had a missing and corroded trace.

I’ve cleaned them and re soldered the Rom and Flash Ic’s, but nothing changed. Could it be that the ROM is faulty or something else?

Hi I would do over all the pins and make sure there aren’t any loose pins at all Also keep a eye on the vias as they can have corrosion inside of them and check for any broken traces or anything that looks off If the board has no more issues it could be a corrupted data on it As a guide I suggest you watch this video as it shows a lot of the faults that it could be… If you still can’t find anything feel free to add some more photos of the whole board using this amazing guide Adding images to an existing question Hopefully this helps Any questions please ask Thanks:-)