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Takes off just fine and after a few minutes from drops to 0 engine still running. Sometimes it will completely die. Usually starts right up again. But I don’t if the fact that motor is at optimum temperature has anything to do with the effect of it but that’s when it does happen. And going down the road or taking off at 40 mph it acts like it’s slipping and won’t shift out of gear and the same thing again at 55 to 60 mph. What could be going on? My dad suggest possible vacuum leak

Your dad may be correct. It does sound like a possible vacuum leak. The only way to test it is to do a smoke test. Does your car have a check engine light on? If possible hook it up to a scanner and check codes. How many mileage does the vehicle has? If the transmission is slipping, it’s usually no good and a sign that the transmission might need servicing soon…