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Can make calls out and receive calls but the phone won’t ring on the callers phone and will only ring one time at base but nothing other then that, silent mode is off ringer is up

Hi @bunnyshop Is the phone’s base station connected to a modem i.e. phone service over internet connection or directly to a telephone cable socket? If a telephone cable socket, unplug the base station from the cable socket and plug a corded phone into the socket and check if that rings OK when you call your number from another phone. If it rings OK then the problem is with the base station. If it doesn’t ring or only rings the one time or if you don’t have a corded phone, unplug the base station from the socket and also make sure that if there are any other phone sockets in the premises connected to the line that nothing is connected to them as well and then call your landline phone number from another phone. The caller should hear the ring tone (obviously nothing will be heard in the premises). If the ringtone heard in the calling phone continues to indicate that the calling phone is ringing then there is a problem with the base station If there is just one burst of ring tone or if nothing is heard then there is a line fault that is causing the ringing current to be tripped. Contact your landline phone service provider about the problem. If a modem, try resetting the modem by turning it off (if it has a power on/off button) and also disconnecting the power to the modem. Wait for about 5 minutes and then reconnect the power to the modem and turn it on. Allow it to initialize and stabilize (this may take a few minutes) and then check if you can call out from the phone. This is just to prove that the service is working again after resetting the modem. Then try calling your number from another phone and check if it rings OK. If it now rings OK the reset fixed the problem If it still doesn’t ring OK unplug the base station from the modem and then call your number and check if the ringtone is heard in the calling phone. If the ringtone continues in the calling phone, then the problem is with the base station. If the ringtone is only heard the once or not at all, check the phone settings in the modem are correct and if so contact your ISP about the problem.