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HI,,, my phone wifi button is not working … if I click the wifi button in the screen it becomes a light green colour and waits … it goes on for half an hour and suddenly t swiwtches off automatically( the wi fi button switches off) tnks fr reading and please help me fr reparing that issue please regards,, narayanan

Do have developers tools for Android? If not, familarize yourself with Android Studio, and dig in….this repair may drive you back to the touch tone! Please use caution before attempting any repairs to the device firmware and/or software; as such repairs often void the devices warranty. Always check with your device manufacture and/or tech support before attempting any Fix. Have you rooted the phone? If so, was this error present before the root? If so, return your Galaxy to factory defaults by UNrooting the device and restoring it to factory. (any assistance with root and factory resets can be obtained via the iFixit forum, Samsung troubleshooting forums, or good ole fashioned research). If contacting Samsung, or Android resulted in further confusion….you may have to replace the motherboard! -LocoTech