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My phone Huawei P8 Lite was working totally fine but suddenly turned off and now it’s not turning back on. phone was not out of charge when it died and now, as I plug in the charger, after a while it gets warmer meaning (i think) battery is still charged but its neither turning on nor showing any screen. Any help would highly be appreciated.

Try to Hard Reset your device by following these steps:

  1. Remove the battery and wait for a while
  2. Meanwhile, you can remove your SD card as well
  3. Plug the battery again
  4. Hold the “Volume up” and Power button simultaneously.
  5. Select “Factory reset” option by using the Volume up and down keys
  6. Validate your option with the power button If the phone has gone into “hard-freeze” This can often happen with Android. Simply remove the battery (if applicable) and long press the power button for another 30 seconds. Reinstall firmware If nothing else seems to function and you are not able to figure out how to fix a Huawei phone that won’t turn on, then consider reinstalling the firmware.

My phone can charge but the screen blank