Chosen Solution

I dropped my LG Nexus 5, with a heavy impact on the floor. The screen just hung up and became non-responsive. When I long-pressed the power button it just went blank and didn’t turn on again. Charging seems useless as it doesn’t respond at all. Is it worth trying to replace the battery? I opened up the phone, couldn’t notice any visible damage to the motherboard.

I agree. I’ve fixed more Android screens with broken internal lcds than busted glass lately. Android lcds are usually paper thin and crack very easy. Look at it under a lamp or direct light and youll usually be able to see a few streaks that indicate it’s cracked.

I think you get a damage on your LCD or Touchscreen. I had the similar issue on my old iPhone 3GS. I am to 90% sure that this is the issue.

I recently dropped my Nexus 5 and the internal lcd showed some lines on the left side of the screen. The funny part was that the glass didn’t have a single scratch, but it still had to be changed…