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I bought a new pc parts from amazon and other sites rtx 2060 super i7-9700k 16gb ram 750 psu but when my friend built the pc for me it had an odd problem it was restarting without warning or blue screen (even if i did the option that prevents restarting without bsod) and this problem stayed for more than a month replaced my hdd checked my ram replaced the case for no reason at all checked the heating and now i heard that it might be the psu so i bought a new psu went to some repair shop left my pc there for a hour and a half (I shouldn’t leave it there ik but i was desperate and i trusted that place) and now then the place guy called me and told me the pc doesnt boot up it needs to stay in his place for two days i thought its some sort of scam (i went to his place before he told me your pc works perfect here it might be your house electricity and now he tells me out of nowhere that it doesnt work when my pc was working just fine before going to his place) so i told him no im taking it with me i returned home and yep..the computer that was working for a whole day if i was playing a not so gpu demanding game (like path of exile i was playing this and the pc didnt reboot) now the thing doesnt even boot up i felt so sad when i saw this cause it was working like a charm (well not really) before going there i mean at least i was having hours of fun then a single reset but now it doesnt even boot up i wish i didnt go to that “repair” shop i had problems with this pc since i bought the parts (even with amazon they refused my card tried my sis and got refused tried another account then finally tried my friend’s sister’s card and it worked but the parts got delayed and it took too much time then they told me it was arriving BUT the plane got canceled basically i was so unlucky with this new pc of mine upgrading to an expensive pc was surely a regrettable decision especially when im a 19 years old student with no sweet income) Update (02/20/2020)

nvm i can send the vid now here it is If you still cant see my vid the motherboard lights basically goes from UP DOWN UP Edit: long story short i went to this dude just to replace my cpu with the new one but not only he did NOT replace it he even broke the pc even more if he broke my motherboard now ill sue him cause i got no money to buy a new motherboard like couldnt he just do his job and replace the thing instead of trying to fix the old one for god knows why

Hi @zakoos , OK there are a couple of things to look or listen for that may narrow down what the problem is. Here’s an image to show what I mean.

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing) The image on the right shows the motherboard’s debug LEDs and their meaning. Start up the desktop and check which one of them, if any is on. I couldn’t make out from your video what light was turning on. If there are no debug LEDs showing if you have a motherboard speaker - example only or access to one, connect it to the header pins as shown in the left image and then start up the desktop and listen for any beep error codes. To simplify matters start with a barebones desktop. By this I mean disconnect everything that is not essential to the desktop starting and that you can boot into BIOS. So basically all you have is motherboard with the RAM inserted, the PSU connected correctly to the motherboard, the keyboard and the monitor and also the connection to the front panel of the case so that you can turn it on and off. No HDD, no dvd drive, no Graphics card - your PC has onboard graphics, no other add on cards etc. According to the msi support page for your motherboard it has an AMI BIOS so here are the beep error codes If the desktop does start try to enter BIOS by pressing the Del key if and when the logo appears on the screen. Hopefully a start.