Chosen Solution

My PC has been erratic of late. It was powering off automatically. A technician changed the power unit, and reloaded the OS but still the problem recurred in 24 hours. Right now I am not able to use it - as soon as I power it on, it goes off, and tries to come on again, goes off… it goes into a loop. It’s Intel i7… with Windows 10

Sounds like the CPU might be overheating as if the CPU gets too hot the computer will instantly shut off and sometimes try to turn on again and go off. Can you check the temperature of the CPU using a program called HWMonitor which you can download here?

Thank you Ben. Unfortunately the PC is now not able to be powered on…. because as soon as I do that, it goes into this auto power off mode. Thanks anyway.

Hello, try this moethods : 1- Check if the cpu fan spins when you power on the computer. 2- Remove the cpu fan and verify if there is a thermal paste above the CPU, if not hen buy one. 3- Remove everthing from your motherboard, and let only the CPU+FAN, one ram, the power supply and the wire of power button then turn on your PC, if that works then you have to check every component one by one to identify which one is causing shutdown issue. Maybe if you tell us more about what happened before you start to have this issue it would then we can better identify the cause.

Take out the battery in it and put a new one back in. BE CAREFUL some PCs dont have replaceable ones!