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the pop sound is similar to the sound made when it initially powers on. I’m getting the 10 flashes, but I know the error codes can vary model to model. My television doesn’t have any cooling fans that I can see. ive removed the back and sprayed dust off on the boards. There are no obviously blown capacitors on the power supply board (or any other board). Should I just order a new power supply? Should I try replacing fuses (looks like it may be complicated) - they aren’t exactly easy parts to find, either.

The green PCBs look like there may be some scorching? suggestions? The hard reset of holding the power button In did not work. I tried unplugged, plugged in, and while holding the volume keys on the side and the red power button on the remote

Hi, Here’s an image taken from the service manual for the TV showing the possible causes for a 10 blink error code.

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing) As a start the A board Sub5V test point is on p.50 (bottom left of page) of the manual. If that is OK you would have to go through the schematics to find the other boards test points to find which one is at fault. To download the file click on the I’m not a robot check box below the Document preview box, and then click on Go to Download When the sentence below the Document preview box changes from This file is downloadable free of charge (5/day): …processing… to This file is downloadable free of charge (5/day): Download (panasonic gpf13du chassis tc-p50u2 plasma tv sm) click on Download as this is the link . Be patient as it takes a little while to find the file. Hopefully this is of some help.