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Hi guys, I’m wanting to repair my 2013 Panasonic TH-P60ST60A as I have the 7 blink code and no image. I’ve gone through the tests that @oldturkey03 provided on the same question but I’m still not sure of a few things. I’ve tested pins 2 and 6 on SU41 and SD42. All of them seem to have shorted which would mean they need to be replaced. If I disconnect the SC board from the SD/SU boards then the code remains 7 blinks but if I disconnect the SC board only the code changes to 6 blinks. I believe that means the SC board is faulty too? I cannot see an LED on this board either. Am I correct in thinking I need to replace all three? (SC/SU/SD) My main question is actually about the SS board. When the TV tries to start then fails and gives the 7 blink code, there is a lit LED on the SS board. This LED lights up and then Fades out completely after the TV fails to turn on. Is this due to the error code feedback or could there also be an issue with the SS board?

@raffs just for refresher sake. The 7 blink code is a common issue with is with one, both, or all of SC board, SD board, and SU board. The most common failure is the SC board. Check for arcing evidence on the mounting screws for the SD board. You also want to post lots of images of your boards and their location with your question. That way we can see what you see Adding images to an existing question

As you see it is the SC board that reports it but can be the Vsus board as well. You can do some basic checks with a multimeter but we’ll need to see your boards to point it out. Am I correct in thinking I need to replace all three? (SC/SU/SD) Yes according to what you have done etc. I would replace those. Since you get a 6 blink code there could be an issue with the SS boards but I change the other once first.