Chosen Solution
It starts out fine then after about 5 minutes or so the top half of the panel starts flickering until, over the next 5-10 minutes or so, it eventually becomes mostly black. If I turn it off for a bit it’s fine then it starts all over again. Happens on all inputs and without any inputs plugged in. This is how it eventually ends up…
Hi @tviv23, Looking at p.21 of the service manual for the TV there may be a problem with the SU board
(click on image to enlarge for better viewing). On p.23- 24 of the manual it details how to remove the boards etc To download the file, click on the Captcha ”I am not a robot” checkbox, below the document preview box and then click on Go to Download. When the sentence below the box changes from This file is downloadable free of charge (5/day): …processing… to This file is downloadable free of charge (5/day): Download (panasonic tc-p55st30 chassis gpf14du), click on Download. Be patient as it takes a little while to find the file.