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We have a Panasonic Viera plasma, that’s been used moderately for about 7 years. We started noticing a flicker during light scenes about 2-3 weeks ago. Last week, we noticed horizontal black lines on the top few inches of the screen. Last night, it wouldn’t turn on anymore and we got the 7 blinks. Any thoughts on what we should try to replace? Or if it’s worth trying to fix at all? From the research I’ve done, it seems like replacing/repairing the SC board might do the trick for the 7 blinks, but would that also fix the image issues we were having?

@dreahazz as you already identified,the 7 blink code is a common issue with is with one, both, or all of SC board, SD board, and SU board. The most common failure is the SC board. Do not forget to check the other boards as well. Check for arcing evidence on the mounting screws for the SD board. You also want to post lots of images of your boards with your question. That way we are having a common reference for further issues. Here is a guide for that Adding images to an existing question It is most likely that the board that has failed is alaso repsonsible for the flickering that started “about 2-3 weeks ago “.

I would also suspect that the power supply board may be in need of maintenance. It is not unusual for sets of this vintage to require replacing a number of capacitors in the power supply. If you can solder, you can do this part of the repair yourself. Take off the back and look at the power board. If you see any “bulged” capacitors (round cylinders), they need to be replaced. I would start there prior to replacing any other boards. Assuming that the 7-blinks persist, the SC board can either be replaced or repaired. There are common component failures on the SC board that can be replaced rather than replacing the board, if you can solder surface mounted devices. Post a few pictures of the boards and I will try to provide additional details about the parts that require replacement. Dan