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I have a Mid 2012 A1278 Macbook Pro that is slow and the fan runs at full speed from the start of initial boot up. Also there is a process called Kernel_task using between 250% - 300% cpu. After a hardware test the system gave me a code of: 4SNS/1/C0000008:Ts0P–124. Seaching on the internet most people say that the cause of this problem is the Palm rest temp sensor. The actual location of this sensor seems to be a mistery. Most say that this sensor is located on the track pad. To repair my Mac would you recommend to replace the track pad by it self or the hole upper case with the track pad on it?

Often when I see this error the system had a liquid spill into the keyboard/trackpad area. At this point I would try connecting an external keyboard & mouse and then disconnect the trackpad and then keyboard cables. Is the system stable now? If it is then you’ve located the issue as either the trackpad alone or both which will require the complete upper case.

Hello my friend! I Am currently working on a client’s 15-inch Late 2011 MacBook Pro and as I was troubleshooting another Hardware issue, I decided to disconnect all unnecessary internal components, leaving only the Keyboard, LVDS, RAM and battery connected. After that i decided to run ASD 3S148 and an issue with this sensor came up: “SMC can’t initialize this sensor (Ts0P)”. SO I decided to reconnect each component at a time and run ASD after reconnecting each component. Turns out this Ts0P sensor is in the trackpad, or you could say it is the trackpad itself. So, in my case, as the sensor just had to be connected for the motherboard co recognize it. In your case, I assume the module must be replaced. If replacing the module doesn’t work, then I’m sure we could say you have a LogicBoard problem. So, in short; Ts0P refers to the trackpad internal temperature sensor. Best Regards, Sérgio Pereira

Check the sensors communicating with the SMC measure around the SMC check voltage sense and enable circuits.