Chosen Solution

I´ve got my handy to get fixed at a local shop and when I got it back the technician assured that the problem was both the screen and the battery so they had changed them. The mobile continued not to work properly so I went back after a few days. Another guy attended me and helped me. When he opened the mobil he said that he could see that the original battery was still inside so that I had never got it changed. He put a new not original battery and gave me the old battery that was in a very bad condition. what struck me was that both batteries looked the same. So I wonder if they battery I got was the original one or if they had changed the first time I was there as the 1st guys assured . The matter is that this battery is clearly damaged by use so if it was no the original I just paid the first time and got


What do you mean by not working properly? Is it like random rebooting?