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i think my controller got water damage (thanks to my 2 year old). there was just a little bit of water near/in the charging port while it was charging. It didnt leak out water or anything. I have not seen anyone post anything similar to what it does. If i try to charge it, it glows orange for about a second and stops. it is unresponsive after. when you press the ps button nothing happens, not even from the light. it will only glow once until you disconnect the charger. Once you reconnect it will glow again. the factory reset button does not work and nothing i do will get it to work or connect to the ps4. is it the battery? or am i out of luck and have to buy a whole new controller? i dont have the money for a new one right now. thank you!

Hmm, well if it was charging when it got spilt on, then there’s a very good chance that the battery (possibly the controller too) did get fried because water + active electric current = death for electronics. Since you did try to turn it on when it was most likely still wet it’s probably dead. What I would do is still try to save it via rice, possibly even silica packets if you have them lying around. Do that for about 24 hours. Other than that you can void the controller warranty (if it still has one), and replace the battery. Here’s a guide for it: DualShock 4 Battery Replacement Here’s a battery: DualShock 4 (JDM-030 and Earlier) Controller Battery If still no luck, see if Gamestop will take it. But from what I remember working at Gamestop, if it doesn’t turn on, we don’t want it.

My idea is that the controller is fully charged when you son dropped water on it and luckily suffered no damage try turn on the controller and rinse some of the charge then resync it to the PS4 hopefully it would work for you

Same thing has happened to 1year old pulled it off the charger and I found him with it in his mouth.the analogs and charge port had slobber all over.I ended up buying a new control cause I have no but I haven’t given up on the other control yet that’s why I’m here to look for

Sorry for writing 2 years after this thread was posted. I just had the same issue with my controller. It blinks orange once when the charger is inserted then goes off and nothing happens. I remember I left it fully charged, and it was just laying around for couple of days before I found out about this issue. Please if you found a solution let me know. I can afford a new battery but not a new controller :(

not a problem. I actually just recently fixed it as life got in the way and I kinda forgot about it myself. I bought new conductors that go behind the controller buttons and it worked no problem.… You will have to open up your controller to see which model it is, but it is pretty simple.