Chosen Solution
optical drive won’t load or play cd or dvd.
try to open it, and clean the lens and look for any dislodged cables, or any damage to the drive’s internals, here is iFixit’s drive manual: Optical Drive Disc Removal Technique, or Foreign Object Removal
I sprayed compressed air into it and was able to load a printer software CD but not any DVD’s or music CD;s. I will try to take it apart (need to get those tiny screwdrivers) and clean the lens. I don’t look forward to keeping track of all those little screws. Thanks for the replies and link for cleaning.
This has been an ongoing problem with some of the Apple SuperDrives, with various ideas on the problem but no actual solution except optical drive replacement. Hundred of people over at Apple Discussions have had similar problems, and some of the solution ideas have included compressed air or even removal and lense cleaning of the Superdrive. I too have had this problem on an out-of-warranty pre-unibody MBP and none of the fixes I’ve tried have worked, yet.…