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Turns off when power cable disconnected even with battery fully charged. Intermittent problem. Happens for a few months then ok for a few months then cycle repeats.

Hi, If it runs OK all the time on the charger but only intermittently OK when on the battery only, I’d suspect that there is a problem with the battery or the battery connection to the systemboard. Here’s a link to the ifixit Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Battery Replacement guide. This shows how to open the tablet to replace the battery so it is also useful to use to view the battery cable connection to the systemboard to ensure that it is securely connected. If the battery cable connection appears to be OK you may have to replace the battery to find out if the problem is with the battery. Here’s a link to just one supplier of a replacement battery for your tablet. It is not a recommendation to use the supplier. It is shown to give an idea of the cost of the part. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Battery for results

It sounds like the battery has failed or is failing. If the battery is cheap and the repair easy enough, I would try swapping the battery. If you give us the specific make & model of tablet I can help further.