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So when I startup the macbook (it’s charged), the screen is black, fans spin up, I don’t hear anything. I tried to put a flashlight behind the logo to see if the backlighting is not working but I didn’t see anything. I think the problem can be in the graphics card. Please help

Sadly the 2011 models discreet GPU’s tend to fail as people often push the system too hard. Lets go back in time… When Apple was designing this system the need for deep graphics we do today was just not even possible! Apps at the time were still very basic photo or video editing still working on low res 480 video! So the power needed to process it was not very heavy. But! In a very short time things got heavy! Analog TV was replaced by Digital with 720 and even higher video standards 1080. But your poor MacBook Pro was not designed to support these newer standards and will quickly over-run the systems ability to process these higher video standards without melting down. Thats likely what did you in ;-{ OK, can I still use my system, abet limping? Yes! Your system has two GPU services the discreet Radeon GPU as well as the Intel graphics engine within the CPU! What you’ll need to do is reset your SMC so its not locked up as it is now, then disable the discreet GPU and/or remove the drivers. You’ll need to take the battery out, press the power button to finish discharging the logic board, then put the battery back in and when we restart your system you need to enter into Safe Mode pressing the Shift (⇧) key when you power up your system. Reference: Mac startup key combinations Once you get to that point you’ll want to get this app gfxCardStatus so you can lock in on the integrated graphics. Here’s the more permeant solution! DosDude DeMux But I still want the better graphics! Any solutions that give me a DG? Yes, there is! As it turns out Apple’s 2012 model has a much better GPU chip jumping to NVIDEA GeForce GT 650M from the weak in the knees AMD Radeon HD 6750M or 6770M GPU’s. Apple didn’t alter the layout of the board so you can drop the 2012 board into either the Early or Late 2011 system’s! There is a slight modification needed on the LVDS cable other than that is a direct drop in!

In fact I’m pecking away on such a system right now!