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Hey! I need to use my mobile headphones for an office phone , I probably need to buy a converter but it isn’t available in my country , so ..

what I did was to cut the 3.5mm jack of my headphones and try to connect it with the rj9 cable.. I was able to get the sound working in my headphones but not the mic when i try to connect the 2 grounds of the rj9 cable to the ground of the headphones , I hear a terrible whistle so if any one can tell me the exact circuit between them , it will be great! thanks in advance!

Telephone wiring is not the best wire if you want a clean signal. The microphone side of your head set is so low the SNR can be a problem. This is where coax wire is better suited. Anyways here’s a good writeup on headphone wiring Can anyone help me identify which wires go to the left, Right,Ground