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I have the weirdest PS3 Slim CECH-2101A that I have ever touched as broken. I bought the console for $25 on eBay with the issue of no display. When I got the console I was astounded by how brand new the console looked on the outside, and the same is true for the inside. There is virtually no dust, no rust, not even a sign of bugs, no smoker’s smell, etc. When I turn it on most of the time the screen will light up but is black and I won’t hear anything, the controller won’t sync, and to turn the console off I have to either hold the power button for more than 10 seconds or unplug the system. A few times it will come on and light the screen with a few blue, green, and red dots, stay there for a bit then the screen goes to no signal, then back to the black screen that’s lit. However, when it does this garbage pixel mess that I see on the screen and switches back to black, I can press the power button once and it will attempt to turn off normally but it crashes with the triple beep after about 5-7 seconds. There are two scenarios that I got something that I can actually hear or see out of it, once while I was turning on the console and back off and repeating I heard the startup chime for the PS3. The other time I was randomly trying to get the console into recovery mode it actually displayed the ‘Connect the controller using a USB cable, and then press the PS button.’ When it did this there was the pixel garbage mess on the screen with the prompt but when I plugged in a controller it did not sync when I pressed the PS button, but it did charge (but it has always charged). When it turned off the console by simply pressing the power button once it triple beeped to indicate a crash again. I have tried component, 3-RCA, and HDMI and nothing has worked really. I saw something somewhere that said to pay attention to the HDD indicator, and when turning on the system from a cold boot by single pressing the power button it comes on solid for about half a second then flashes (dim-bright style flashing) for about 3 seconds then turns off entirely. Also to note, when I insert a disc the system does attempt to read it for nearly 30 seconds before the disc stops spinning on both Blu-Ray games and movies as well as DVDs. I’m honestly lost at this point. I’m not sure if it’s a weird case of YLOD or not or if it’s the GPU, but I would figure if it were just the GPU then I’m sure the console would still somewhat boot and I would think I could hear it most of the time. I need answers, and this is the only place I knew to ask. Thanks for reading my essay!

How is the motherboard? And can you provide a picture or two?