Chosen Solution

Hi guys, I got stuck with repairing my imac. Here is a little chronology:

  • iMac 27 “from 2017 quit working, restart using long press on start button. Crossed-out circle symbol
  • after reseach I came to possible defect on SSD or the OS
  • reinstalled (El Capitan) via online recovery mode (cmd + R), updated to Mojave and Time Machine
  • ran stable for a few hours, then the same symbol again and no operation possible —-> opened the imac (that’s the reason the repair shop doesn’t take it to repair)
  • a Samsung 500GB is installed on the PCI port
  • Samsung out, Gigabase adapter and ADATA SX8200 Pro 2 TB (with control screw) in, hard drive looks a bit too high, but goes in …
  • added a isolation tape to protect the adapter from electrical short
  • does not recognize sdd, not even with “diskutil list “in terminal
  • open again, SX8200 out, Samsung EVO 970 EVO 2 TB in
  • does not recognize sdd again, in online restore mode
  • old Samsung (the original ones, if the previous owner didn’t do anything) back in without an adapter, it is recognized (I guess I did not broke anything either)
  • testing comes to the same problem. Reinstallation starts, but ends with the crossed out circle. Does anyone have any ideas about why the 970 EVO is not recognized? Alternatively, I could install a normal ssd. Everything is cheaper than buying a MacBook pro m1 plus monitor. Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Sadly you’re fighting an issue with the adapter and M.2 SSD setup you are trying to use instead of the proper custom Apple SSD or the better 3rd party drives (OWC & Transcend). I don’t recommend using these in iMac’s given the amount of work it takes to get to the port. I had to take out so many its not funny! Yes! It does appear to work and some people get a few good months and then it craps out! If you are serious producer of content you can’t afford for your stuff to disappear! Then stick with the proper drives.