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My a1347 Mac Mini has been turned off for a few years and now it will not start. When I press the power button the fan goes on for a second, the light goes on for about a second too and it makes some sort of sound. The sound is not the fan as I also hear it with the fan disconnected and I have some distant memory of that the sound always there on start. I have checked that the power supply gives 11.8V on all 4 pairs as of this guide so it appears to not be the problem. Complete Dead - How To Check Power Supply Vs Logic Board So now I am rightly of wrongly looking at the logic board. I have read in a few other forums of failing capacitors near the power supply on Macs. Can someone point out where in the photos these might be? Other ideas of where/what to check and how are also appreciated.

Sadly, as far as I know Apple never offered schematics and board views for the Mac Mini systems. So trying to nail down what is bad gets tricky! You’ll need to carefully inspect the logic board for burnt parts, staining or corrosion damage. I would give it a good clean as sometimes dust hides things. Otherwise, it’s time for a new logic board.