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My device is not the first Wonderboom but the second, Wonderboom 2, could not find it as an device on here. When I try to turn it on it flashes red and makes the power down sound. When I connect it to charge nothing happens, no lights turning on, nothing. I’ve tried resetting it by holding down all the buttons but that did not work. I have contacted the support multiple times but I’m not even getting an answer from them even though I am covered by the warranty. So I would like to fix it myself instead. Anyone know how?

First are you sure your charger and the cable are working? I would get a USB power meter to see if there is power even getting to the speaker. If it is then you really need to get yours replaced under warranty as these speakers are too well sealed up to open and then what then? Replace the battery is about all you can do. Otherwise try a different charger and cable. Try emailing UE email support