Chosen Solution

I have descaled 2x, and cleaned the brew head and portofilter screens, but water no longer comes down thru the brewhead. Water comes out of the steam wand, and steam comes out of the wand too. No problems there. I think what is happening is that the pump is not engaging. I don’t hear that customary kick in sound I usually hear when the pump goes on. What do you think my problem is? Is this something I can fix myself? Thanks for your help. I really like this machine!

Have you cleaned the back side of the brew head screen? You need to remove the phillips-head screw in the middle (be careful not to strip the head); if you’re using very finely ground coffee often it can get behind the screen and clog it. If this doesn’t fix it… Will a stream of water come from the steam wand when the machine is cold? If so then your pump is working. If it’s only coming out when the machine is hot then it’s just the pressure from the boiler pushing it out and you may need to replace your pump. This machine uses an ULKA EX5 and it can be bought from as well as other online retailers. Pumps dying on these machines is fairly uncommon however so I would make very sure that’s the problem before ordering a new one.

This may not work in your situation but I was able to repair my pump. Here’s how:

  1. I removed the pump and disassembled it.
  2. Went to this website and compared my pump components to their diagram-photos.
  3. I noticed a small ball-valve in the diagram that I didn’t see in pile of pump parts.
  4. Upon closer inspection I discovered the ball wedged into the barrel of the stainless or aluminum piston rod.
  5. I replaced the ball as it looked worn. For lack of anything better that was immediately available I cut off a large round pinhead found in my sewing kit.
  6. After reassembly and re-installation of the pump I tried it out. Nothing! Well I had to go somewhere and came back three hours later and turned the machine on for one last try - as of now it’s working! Steam and espresso both on line. Only one of the o-rings in the pump looked like it needed to be replaced. Maybe some of the fine springs need to be replaced as well. The machine is seven years old and I just saved $250 not replacing the it. And I saved $75.00 dollars not buying a new pump. I also took snapshots as I disassembled everything so I’d remember what went where….good luck.

I received this unit used as a gift and it worked great. One morning, same issue as everyone else had started. No water from main head but steam nozzle worked. Long story short, I let the unit heat up. Completely turned the unit off to stop the pump from engaging, and turned the knob for the steam nozzle on. It purged for a few seconds and stopped, I assume releasing the pressure in the line. Turned the knob back off, turned the unit back on and tried to brew a cup like normal and the issue was fixed. This was caused by letting the resoviore run dry while the pump was still engaged. Old post but It was the first I found while trouble shooting.

I have had two of these same machines and both failed the same way. I called 1-800-STARBUC and even though I did not have proof of purchase (first was a gift) they called my local store and the manager just gave me a new one. It worked for a while and then poof. Same problem. I know this is not a solution, but it just is not a very good machine. I may tinker with the second broken one, but I don’t feel very cheerful about my chances of fixing it.

Here is the fix:

Oh man! I have had this machine for years (bought when I was a barista and Demoed these machines daily!). Many years on-this machine was in storage- this video fixed it!!!!! Thanks!

I got a used refurbished Saeco Via Venezia (like the Starbucks Barista & Saeco Aroma) espresso machine. After reading all these helpful posts, I was able to confirm that the pump was working fine (water pumped through the steam wand). I also cleaned out the brew head & descaled the machine, but the brew button still wouldn’t work. When I pushed the brew button, no sound was coming on indicating that the pump wasn’t engaging. I was finally able to figure out that it had faulty wiring from the brew button to the pump. I was able to replace the wires in that section with the wires from my last machine & now my espresso machine works perfectly! Note: After reading all the posts and watching all the online videos about my espresso machine, it became less intimidating once I realized that the machine is pretty basic - made up of a pump, a boiler, some hoses, wires, & some connectors. I found that it’s not too hard to fix these machines if you’re even a little mechanically inclined.

Hi I have this issue to Case was opened and pipes was tested for air pass started from brewer head, and id does not go anywhere further valves. I have this video created for these who have same issue, very easy fix:

I had the same problem. Thought it was the pump so replaced it. Nope. I now have a spare pump if that ever goes. The problem is in the portafiler (where you put the coffee). The inside gets clogged if you don’t tip it upside down and run water through the 2 holes in the bottom after each use. You have to be really careful as there are tiny springs in it, but loosen screws, open up and clean. Maybe take a picture of it after openning and before touching anything.

Hi all, i have a saeco that is not working. water come out of the steam wand, the coffee is grounding but water is not touching the coffee (coffee is still dry after trying to make a coffee). Water goes directly is the drain tank. I’ve cleaned everythink (I think), tried to uncork the accessible pipe and more. I moved recently and the water is not pure. Maybe it is why. Can anybody help me please?

Make sure everything is really clean. There is a screen the water comes through above the brew head (to hit the coffee). Sounds like it may be plugged. I think it’s a phillips screw that holds it in place. If you have the head cleaner that come with it the screw driver is attached. Take screen of and clean really well. When you take it off turn machine on and see if water comes out of brew head. If it does, then that is the problem.

I bought a starbucks barista machine and it works, but the brew and wand buttons work in review. When the green light is depressed, it shuts off. When the machine is turned on it immediately pumps water. I tried switching the wires around where it connects to the power switch, but no luck.

Totally loving this thread thank you to all who have contributed! I have a 1997 Starbucks Proteo Barista machine that just started having issues. I was wondering if you all could help me diagnose the issue? I read the troubleshooting pump/brewing page on a few times over. The pump seems to be working as I can properly prime the machine. Water does initially come out of the grouphead. However the flow seems a little diminished, and as the machine runs it continues to get hotter and bubbles/steams eventually. Has anyone experienced this? Diminished flows + too hot? I am guessing that the pump is weak and not pushing water through quickly enough to prevent it from overheating or there is a wire that is tripped/not operating to tell the heating element to stop heating. Thanks!