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So I have a friend who wanted me to revive their old late 2006 MacBook, I plug into power try to turn it on and I hear no post or get nothing on the screen. But I do hear the Superdrive and Hard Drive kicking in. Diving a little further I connected the hard drive to another MacBook and it works just fine, so I know it isn’t the hard drive disconnected the 3gb installed ram for 512 mb of stock ram on both slots, same issue I opened the unit and to find that the GPU and CPU fan is not spinning whatsoever when powering on just for $@$** and giggles I disconnected the Airport card and the same issue is happening Now I have not connected an external monitor yet to it, but I am thinking there is a short somewhere. Any thoughts? Thanks!

@hetrickaj let us know the exact model of your MacBook. Start with the Apple troubleshooting steps and let us know where you get stuck during this: Power issues, power adapter dead, no power

  1. Check for damaged pins or magnetic debris on MagSafe power adapter. If pins are okay, reseat power adapter connector and make sure it is fully inserted. Refer to Knowledge Base articles 303566 “MacBook Pro: Troubleshooting MagSafe power adapters with stuck pins” and 302461 “Troubleshooting iBook, PowerBook G4, and MacBook Pro power adapters”.
  2. Remove any connected peripherals.
  3. Try known-good power outlet.
  4. Remove battery, and remove AC power.
  5. Press Caps Lock key to see if light on key comes on. If it does, hold power button down for six seconds to shut down the computer and restart.
  6. Reset PRAM (Press the power button, then hold down the Option-Command-P-R keys until you hear the startup chime at least one additional time after the initial startup chime).
  7. Reset the power manager. See Knowledge Base article 303319, “Resetting MacBook and MacBook Pro System Management Controller (SMC)”. Warning: Make sure you do not hold down the “fn” key when resetting the power manager. Resetting the power manager means you will also need to reset the date and time (using the Date & Time pane of System Preferences).
  8. Test each RAM slot individually with known-good RAM. (The computer should still start with only one known-good DIMM.)
  9. Remove AirPort Extreme Card.
  10. If computer starts on battery power only, try replacing MagSafe board with a known-good MagSafe DC-in board.
  11. Verify cable connections and check cables for damage.
  12. Verify power button is connected properly to logic board, if power button is not functioning correctly or damaged, replace the top case.
  13. Replace logic board.